Saturday, January 7, 2012

Excuse me, miss! Where are we?

The best question I get while working on an airplane! Much better than "Can I go to the bathroom?" I love when passengers enjoy the travel and their journey. Although, I'm always tempted to answer (because I can only guess!) "Des Moines" just because no matter where we started and where we're headed, everyone believes that answer. It makes me think not many people really know where Iowa is. Good for Iowa! Stay as quiet as you can, sweet state, and don't let the crazies find you.

Speaking of Iowa...the reason I'm even using this website is because one of my favorite people grew up near Iowa and I'm here to read her daily dose of happiness and cheer! Now she lives in my beloved home state of Wisconsin!
Ah,'re a little weird but I love you.

So, the real answer to the question "Where are we?" is Wisconsin. The sunny picture at the top of this blog was taken on a earth-bound gloomy morning as I left soul sucking Chicago land in pursuit of happy landings in Minnesota. The sun hadn't peaked through the clouds for days, so I went to see my friends in the Twin Ports and found the sun up along the way! I knew I would! It's always up there, waiting for me with it's rejuvenating and welcoming warmth. Much like my dear friend, who I look forward to following as I enjoy my yummy cups of coffee in the morning! Mornings Start With Em! Who, by the way, is from Minnesota :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Friend!I can't wait to read your magical musings and enjoy a cup of coffee while we talk about them!
